Minneapolis Police Union Selling ‘Cops for Trump’ Shirts After Dept Policy Change


The Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis is now selling “cops for Trump” t-shirts after the Minneapolis Police Department changed its political endorsement policy.

As The Minnesota Sun reported, Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo recently announced a new policy that prevents off-duty officers from wearing their uniforms at political events or for the purpose of a political endorsement. His announcement was made just a day after President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign announced its October 10 rally at the Target Center.

“I can assure you this has been reviewed, I’ve been reviewing this policy since last election year. It just so happens the change came about with the recent upcoming visit of our president,” Arradondo claimed.

He has the full support of Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, who called President Trump “reprehensible” ahead of his visit to Minneapolis.

Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis President Lt. Bob Kroll, however, wasn’t happy with the decision and said it “infringes upon the federation’s rights to have influence in the political process.”

“Minneapolis has been a Democrat city for decades. It’s never been a problem but because they’ve kind of turned their backs on the police and many other working people, we’ve shifted gears and we’ve been endorsing Republicans for the last several years, so now they’ve said no longer can you wear your uniform to support your political candidates,” Kroll told Fox News.

He said the police union’s members are “outraged” by the decision, which was “kept completely secret from us,” he claimed.

So now Kroll and the federation are selling “cops for Trump” t-shirts that officers can wear to the upcoming Trump rally.

“They are in stock at the federation. Stop in and check out our complete store. All proceeds benefit POFM charities,” Kroll said on Facebook.

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of Battleground State News, The Ohio Star, and The Minnesota Sun. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].”
Photo “President Donald Trump” by Gage Skidmore CC2.0







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